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Ever since Homo Sapiens looked up at the night sky, we have been wondering what is out there. Are we alone in the Universe? Is there life beyond Earth? 

How can we search for evidence of life in our Solar System and beyond? To investigate this, we enter one of the - if not the - most multidisciplinary and exciting areas of scientific discovery. Areas that range from Astrobiology, Astrophysics and Chemistry, to Language [communication universals], Space Law and Anthropology. 

It is our mission to bring these to you, via online programs and (where possible) talks and courses in person. A recent example of such an event was our participation at the week long Summer Science Event at the UK's Royal Society in London (2019), where thousands of school students attended (with their teachers) – as well as open days at the weekend for the general public -  and were able to interact with our examples and survey, as well as chat and ask questions to the experts in attendance: see This was followed up with an online event at the Royal Society in 2020. 

Sharing our research and enthusiasm for scientific discovery is an important mission for us at UKSRN. As we expand our activities, we plan to provide talks, publications and media appearances, via platforms such as blogs and Vlogs, as well as looking to enable your participation. 

The online survey is still active, so please visit and participate.


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