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UK SETI Post-Detection Hub was launched


Updated: Oct 4, 2022

The SETI Post-Detection Hub, an initiative of the UK SETI Research Network (UKSRN), and is jointly hosted by the St Andrews Centre for Exoplanet Science and the Centre for Global Law and Governance, was launched in September 2022.

What does humanity do when we discover we are not alone in the Cosmos?

The SETI Post-Detection Hub, is set to draw interested members of the global SETI community together to work on topics ranging from message decipherment and data analytics to development of regulatory protocols, space law and societal impact strategies. It is aimed at fostering a community with diverse expertise across both the sciences and the humanities connecting research with policy development.

Science fiction is awash with explorations of the impact on human society following discovery of, and even encounters with, life or intelligence elsewhere. But we need to go beyond thinking about the impact on humanity. We need to coordinate our expert knowledge not only for assessing the evidence but also for considering the human social response, as our understanding progresses and what we know and what we don’t know is communicated. We have contemplated life on other Worlds for countless generations; the search for extra–terrestrial intelligence and their technology has now been an ongoing endeavour for decades. Our own technical resources have since improved significantly, and with those the chances of detection are therefore continually increasing.

Social interest has risen considerably recently, due to the detection of thousands of planets around distant stars in our own galaxy and, closer to home, through the exploration of nearby worlds such as Mars and Venus, looking for signs of life, present or past. The potential discovery of microbial life will likely raise different types of concern that would follow the discovery of intelligent life – we are as yet entirely unprepared as a species for the latter. The time is thus right for consideration of humanity’s response – and responsibility – following the detection of both life and intelligence in the Cosmos. We should plan now for this eventuality by setting out impact assessments, protocols, procedures and treaties designed to allow humanity to respond responsibly.

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3 comentarios

27 feb 2023

Well! But us are really ready for conctact? The human people of Earth dont' know the power of Entanglement, are not connecting.

When our space friend arrived will be a epocal moment but is necessary a chance in our minds and in our earth for the encounter!

Me gusta

13 nov 2022

Thank you! I have been thinking about this event and tried envisioning what we earthlings would do.

Me gusta


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